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Selected Publications


TRAF3 loss-of-function reveals the noncanonical NF-κB pathway as a therapeutic target in diffuse large B cell lymphoma

Journal: PNAS

Li M, Chong L, Duns G, Lytle A, Woolcock B, Jiang A, Telenius A, Ben-Neriah S, Nawaz W, Slack GS,  Elisia I, Viganò E, Aoki T, Healy S, Krystal G, Venturutti L, Scott DW, Steidl C.


An Aged/Autoimmune B-cell Program Defines the Early Transformation of Extranodal Lymphomas

Journal: Cancer Discovery

Venturutti L*, Rivas MA, Pelzer BW, Flümann R, Hansen J, Karagiannidis I, Xia M, McNally DR, Isshiki Y, Lytle A, Teater M, Chin CR, Meydan C, Knittel G, Ricker E, Mason CE, Ye X, Pan-Hammarström Q, Steidl C, Scott DW, Reinhardt HC, Pernis AB, Béguelin W, Melnick AM. *Co-corresponding author.


The Role of Epigenetic Mechanisms in B Cell Lymphoma Pathogenesis

Journal: Annual Review of Cancer Biology

Venturutti L, Melnick AM.


TBL1XR1 Mutations Drive Extranodal Lymphoma by Inducing a Pro-tumorigenic Memory Fate

Journal: Cell

Venturutti L, Venturutti L, Teater M, Zhai A, Chadburn A, Babiker L, Kim D, Béguelin W, Lee TC, Kim Y, Chin CR, Yewdell WT, Raught B, Phillip JM, Jiang Y, Staudt LM, Green MR, Chaudhuri J, Elemento O, Farinha P, Weng AP, Nissen MD, Steidl C, Morin RD, Scott DW, Privé GG, Melnick AM.


The dangers of déjà vu: memory B cells as the cells of origin of ABC-DLBCLs

Journal: Blood

Venturutti L*, Melnick AM.

*Co-corresponding author.


Mutant EZH2 Induces a Pre-malignant Lymphoma Niche by Reprogramming the Immune Response

Journal: Cancer Cell

Béguelin W, Teater M, Meydan C, Hoehn KB, Phillip JM, Soshnev AA, Venturutti L, Rivas MA, Calvo-Fernández MT, Gutierrez J, Camarillo JM, Takata K, Tarte K, Kelleher NL, Steidl C, Mason CE, Elemento O, Allis CD, Kleinstein SH, Melnick AM.

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